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Yours Truly
the soon kueh, the prawn and the cyclone mollie

sailor (:
tkgspb students welfare

<3 BC
Genesis Youth!

Metro Station
Hillsong and PlanetShakers!

Abseiling - once only ):

& dogs(:

I can't cycle
I can't blade
But I can sail
I'm here to help those in need

"To love and to be loved is the greatest happiness of existence"
Sidney Smith

let it go

my friends


2e2`08 <33
Jia Xin
Mei Lin
Qian Hui
Tian Tian
Yi Jie
Yu Yun

3e7`09 <33


Nicole the Hamster



Shu Shien

Hui Min
Lim Pin
Wan Ru
Ying Zhi

thank you


Monday, April 5, 2010
the happening stories

I should not have taken the risk.
We were good friends. Now we are almost nothing.

I feel so stupid.

I couldn't help but to think about it.
It hasn't been solved.
What a regret it has been.
Since we have problems,
why should we continue?

Why not end?

♥ Meatball ! :D @ 10:19 PM

Saturday, March 28, 2009
the happening stories

I'm going out.
I need so seek solitude.
Somewhere, just to clear my thoughts.
Just too noisy and too many distractions at home.

Everyone has goals.
I dont think mine will come true.


♥ Meatball ! :D @ 1:27 PM

Thursday, March 26, 2009
the happening stories

I miss talking to you.
Betcha didn't know.

♥ Meatball ! :D @ 10:24 PM

Saturday, March 21, 2009
the happening stories


Haha, today was the last day of the National Youths Championship. Frankly speaking when I woke up I was like half deciding whether I should go or not, then decided to go. Then when changing my clothes I was still thinking about my decision. I was so tired! Haha.

Okay, took the bus to parkway, closed my eyes and relaxed. Then went to BK with Andria, Jelene, Mars and ML. HAHA. I tell you it's like so funny (: 'Cause we gossiped about some Flex and Jump person :D Gee, I still can't believe the fact. HAHA. Okay as usual I cannot finish my breakfast, some burger thing, wrapped it and head to NSC where my stomach starts to feel weird and while the rest rig up I was at the toilet. LOL.

Then I signed in. I wasn't expecting myself to sail la. I don't even think Tony gonna let me sail 'cause yesterday the wind was like quite strong and I just recovered and most prolly he think's I'm not up to it. Oh well. Then my tummy also weird weird one. Churning a lot >< style="color: rgb(51, 204, 255);">So half of me wanna sail and half of me don't wanna sail.

And so I rigged up my boat. HAHA. Okay, the rest helped me. Then we went back to the canteen and looked at things, look at the sea, look at guys, I dunno la, hahaha. ML and I went out to walk walk with Mad to find Savannah over at noss area. We changed and pulled out boats out to the beach and I grew really nervous..

Mad and I went to find Mrs Taufiq and toddler Ralph xD at noss area. I told Mrs Taufiq I was really scared and she told me it's okay if I don't go out, I can always change my mind. Then aiya, I dunno la. She told me if I cannot take it out there I can always retire. Aunty Joe also said if strong wind out there, depower my sail and don't push myself too hard. Mrs Taufiq gave me an oatbar and I nibbled some 'cause after that it's Bravo course launching time!

Headed back to where our boats are and Hanis' mum was there (: I told her I sail one race then retire la. She told me don't decide it yet until I really cannot take it and come back. She went to the VS sailors area which was just diagionally behind TKGS area and told her son and his friends that she's talking to her daughters (us) because she didn't have any daughters and have two sons.
AWW (: So sweet! AHHH. SHE'S NICE (:

Then we were like saying some optimists havent even launch, like they protesting like that. I sat down and look at the sea. I started to cry. Like ohmygosh I'm having a nervous breakdown. My hands were trembling. Okay after that I stopped and after a short time, goes down the AP flag for Alpha course.

We straight away got up, wear our lifejackets, get everything ready. Gloves, caps etc. and launched. I was the last one to launch among the tkgians. Actually suppose to launch with Jelene and Mars then they pangsehed me and sailed off and I have to get up my own and all that and sailed behind Cedric and Hanis >< style="font-weight: bold;">really really far from NSC, further than the Keta Buoy but there was shitty wind.

Then I stopped my boat and ML sailed to me. Then guess what, I started to cry again. I was like literally nervous until that state. I predicted on shore that when I cross the finishing line I sure cry one. Then yeah, she told me if I cannot tahan I go back. Hmm. Waited for the lasers and the rest of the bytes to come and then the race can begin. Laser first followed by gold fleet byte and silver. Then my lung starts to pain..

Sailed to Tony and I heard him say start and pin end and go left, centre, left, centre yeah. 'Cause the current is strong, will push you down. Waited for the silver fleet to start and 'porhh' goes the honk, class flag up. Then duh, I sailed towards the pin end, Then got two honks, I tacked and look, oh AP flag - postponement. Then okay la, sail sail around the starting line. Then 'porh' goes down the AP flag, up the class flag, I timed my watch.

About reaching one minute, I make sure I below the starting line later like last time get BFD. Ohwell, Okay then sailed towards the pin end. Mars was the furthest towards the pin end, followed by this MF guy sailor whom I think should be in gold fleet and then me :D 5 seconds countdown, I sheet in, and point and go. I don't feel any adrenaline rush, I was half awake mah. LOL. And the wind was light.

Most of the other sailors crammed at the Oldie boat. Two bad situations they will get.
1. Current will push them down
2. Will not get clear wind.

:D And I have like good wind 'cause no one blocking my wind (: Okay going upwind I cannot remember much. Just remembered blocking someone's sail :P HAHA. I'm like a bit below average? when rounding mark one. Going downwind - gate. I was sailing in the middle, undecided. Till I saw Mars. Eh actually I was in front of her then I dunno why we two suddenly stick together and we sailed downwind. The wind was like.. Actually there wasn't any wind. WAHHH. We were like drifting LOL. I decided to round the pin end mark, well round starboard mark doesn't mean it's good, and besides, little boats round the pin mark - clear wind so I round the pin mark and sailed upwind :D

Hmm going upwind. Sometimes got wind, sometimes no wind. When there's wind I hiked out then suddenly no wind so I slided my butt in. Wah hot, friction. Then got wind I slided my butt out, wah hot hot hot. HAHA. Now my butt a bit pain luh. HAHA. I saw that I drifted off the gate like quite a lot, turned back and saw many boats far far behind me.They jialat liao. Goners!

They shortened the course at mark 1. Eunice got first! Yay for her (: I was about to cross the finishing line but was short by just a few metres off. Then I tacked, there wasn't much wind. I look at the powerboat people they look at me. LOL. Then I finally crossed the finishing line.

I lost to Nicholas -.- by two positions in that race. I thought I could actually win him -.-

During the race I found out that my bottle cap came off. Therefore all the water spilled out and I have no water. Die sia, no water and I didnt even get a chance to drink any when I'm out. Shawn, Roy's brother, along with one TK guy in his powerboat, came and threw a bottle of water to me. It fell into the water. They went to pick it up and threw it back again to me.

Shouting to them, 'Thank you so much! How you know I dont have water? My bottle cap came off and all my water spilled out!'

Maybe 'cause I have the sian-I-need-water-w/o-water-I-can-die face xD hahahaha. There wasn't any wind, we were slacking a little before the Oldie boat honk and put up the AP flag. People were cheering and so am I xD Suddenly there was wind and it's getting stronger - storm is coming. I was still half awake. HAHA. I was following Jelene. Going downwind to the NSRCC area, I wasn't scared. Half awake :D HAHA. Then I was like, gosh storm is coming I hope they cancel the race and we all go back.

The wind was TERRIBLE I tell you. I was literally depowering my sail - tighten outhaul, tighten downhaul.. I bet it's like around 15+ knots and there were a gazillion white caps. The sky was dark. Everything was dark. Then people capsized. I was with ML then I dunno what happen, I CAPSIZED =.= But thank goodness I'm able to get up. I was kinda glad, Tony wasn't there to shout at me. HA! Training will be like, "get up fast! fast! fast!". Like shhh! I'm getting up la. Be patient!

I was letting my sail flap flap flap then I banged into Zachary, who told me to point. I told him, 'aiya I dont wanna sail leh'. He told me to retire. Lol. Okay I was like letting my sail flap flap flap and looking at my watch 3.15pm (: Then I sail around a bit, the oldie boat honked. I scared have to sail in this Cat1 environment. CRAZY AH!

Ohoh then Mad got gastric out at sea. She needs food so she shouted to me, "EH, CAN GIVE ME FOOD?". Then she realised it wasn't me but Cedric! HAHA. And even funnier he gave Mad food! HAHA.

They honked for the lasers to start. I was a bit blur, still half awake. LOL. Then I saw quite a number of silver fleet boats like sailing back to shore. I sailed upwards and saw this powerboat with a man and he shouted to me,


I was relieved :D SO RELIEVED. I knew I confirm cannot handle this kinda wind if we were to race. ML shouted to me about what it is about and I shouted to her the same words which the man shouted to me :D YAHAAA so happy.

On the way back I sailed near to this girl, sail number 429 - KC sailor.

Me: Wah so glad we get to go back leh!
Her: Yalor, this kind of wind crazy arh! Silver fleet cannot handle one!
Me: Yah! You know I wasn't actually supposed to come out and race today.
Her: Then you shouldn't have come out (saying that I could have stayed safe at shore rather than race this kind of storm situation)
Me: Haha, it's okay la, the race I did quite well I think. Whoa, this wind hectic sia, I bet the LAST person in Gold fleet sure jialat one (purposely said that)

I took my own sweet time to go back to shore. I DIDN'T CAPSIZE HA!

Then yeah, quite scary still, with all the lightning and thunder. I got off my boat and got my trolley, then Hanis' dad came to help me pull my boat! :) He must have known I have cough and all those shit to come and lend me a hand (: I was really thankful. He asked me how was it and yeah, said a bit. HIS SON IS STILL OUT AT SEA >< style="font-weight: bold; color: rgb(51, 204, 0);"> a bit worried la, I mean lung pain, then sail in Cat 1 condition. It's never easy.

And thank goodness they all came back safe and sound. Phew.

Took my medicine >< KAAPUI YUCKS they suck. So bitter.

I really enjoyed the one and only race I sailed in for the Youth Nationals. It really end my week well.

I saw a rainbow when I got home :DD

There's always a rainbow at the end of every storm;
just like today;
just like the whole week.

♥ Meatball ! :D @ 10:25 PM

Friday, March 20, 2009
the happening stories


1. Rest for Sat's race - today

2. Finish physics worksheet - sunday

3. Finish chinese newspaper homework - sunday

4a. Finish tuition homework comprehension - tomorrow
4b. Finish tuition homework summary - tomorrow
[Thank goodness no amaths tuition homework]

5. Go through tuition vocab list and try to remember them - tomorrow

6. File my stuffs =x - any day before the school term starts

7. Practice for amaths quiz and finish up amaths heymath homework - tonight

8. Get an empty jar/container - tomorrow after race

9. Write out Lump's birthday wishes - if I got what I need.

10. Contact someone :D - if I got the jar/container - sunday night
[Very looking forward to whooots]

11. Type/Print out VS SLI report which I owe for quite some time now - sunday night while contacting the person?

12. Print out SW front tee design and draw - if possible sunday night

13. Think of what topic to do for English newspaper >< - before school terms starts.

14. The very most important thing -- GET WELL SOON. D:

Anusha's flight is on Monday morning ):
Dunno how come changed D':

And off I go to sleep now (though I slept for 12 hours)

♥ Meatball ! :D @ 3:48 PM

Thursday, March 19, 2009
the happening stories


It's super tiring to eat like 14 pills a day and drink like 6 teaspoons of cough syrup.
I don't think anyone will be able to imagine how I'm feeling.
I'm really sick of eating medicine ):


I was like hoping I could sail today.
And look, there's so many complicated knots tied down to this simple action.
The wind was light today, yeah I am sure I can sail, definetely.
It's just too bad I didn't bring my medication and that we can't predict what will happen when launching starts.

But on a lighter note, THANK YOU H*'S MUMMY (: For really giving me advices and consoling me (: Thanks from the bottom of my heart <3>at most I just die out there la.

Dying isn't easy you know. There are powerboats like everywhere I heard. Then if they see you lagging behind they'll go and check on you or something. Then I can retire and they escort me back to shore and H*'s Mummy will come and save me (:

And cause of this assurance she gave me is the main reason why I'm smiling. Even though I'm frowning because there are more things to frown than smile about.

Okay don't talk about dying.


*Names have been changed.
And sometimes when your week is grumpy, everything that's thrown to you will automatically be bad.

Sometimes, I dunno things that are going on with my close friends. They don't tell me things.
And I question myself to whether am I as important to them as compared to them being as important to me.

Maybe I need to change the way I think, or assume. Maybe I'm assuming they are my good friends.

Kay, get a grip of myself and move on ; urh!

I bet only one person knows what I'm talking about.

Sometimes I find myself as a hypocrite. When others are down I'm able to comfort them and encourage them but when dealing with my own problems I tend to shun away and if it get's too difficult for me to control, I'll just break off.

So sooner or later I'm just left in my own whirlpool and realise I can't rely on you, because you're not always there to save me. You might go and cater to other victims in need and later may come and save me but what happens if you forgot about me and I drown?

If those other victims are more important to you then I have nothing much to say but hope for someone else to help me. Then maybe next time when I need help I'll go to my new life saver and hopefully forgot about what happened and erase the scene which I saw off my memory. Well, maybe not because the other victims are more important to you and that's a fact which I have to accept.

Now I don't see why I should take the later bus to school every morning.

Next time I shall not hope for anything. I'm really bushed.

♥ Meatball ! :D @ 9:37 PM

Tuesday, March 17, 2009
the happening stories

Hmm I think I'm gonna go back to blogging again.
Then now I have to go tag other people's blogs for them to tag me back.

Since thursday, my left lung hurts. When I cough or breathe in deeply.
I assumed its muscle ache 'cause the night before I did 30 crunches.
Friday Mars and I went to Changi Airport (:
Go get something. Zzz.

And Friday's the last day Anusha's spending her time in TKGS.
I cried the most luh. During Legacy I went to the toilet, then haiz. I felt so sad.
Then back in class we were to sing Friends Forever by Vitamin C.
I cried when we 'rehearse' the chorus. :(
Then aiya, I cried a lot la, I cried a lot till I influenced Xiao Jing to cry.

Shit I dunno why I'm crying now

Anusha I'll never forget you! ): More pictures at facebook.

Then yesterday I was alright.. My right lung was okay but then left lung starts to hurt.
Like super sharp pain >:(
Then today I cant go and race. Not that I dont want to.
Last time I was dreading to race, but now I want to race and I can't.
Today went to AMK polyclinic and took X ray. Thank goodness there wasn't anything wrong with me. My lung area hurts because I cough too hard. Then muscle pain lo. I'm having flu too ):
Hopefully by like Thursday or Friday it'll recover and I can go and race for 1 or 2 days. Provided that my name is registered. ><

There's nothing for me to lose anyway
. I know I'm last as I didn't go for some days. So I race and get last. Ohwell, Doesn't really make a difference. Go and give it a try.. If I get something unexpectedly good then it's gonna be so sweet. (:

Currently I'm quite pissed with iTunes -.-

I'm getting I dunno la, I'm not myself lately.
I'm feeling sad all the time thesedays. Anusha leaving, friends, my lungs pain, can't race ):
Especially when other people are maximizing their holidays while I'm here eating pills and disgusting medicine and seeing doctors after doctors and wasting time at clinics.
It really sucks D';

I don't want to be a burden.
I'm very messed up now.
Somehow I just can't accept the hard truth.

I want to fly without wings
I want to run through fire
I want to walk on water

I'm very tired. I'm in this state of dizzyness.
It feels like it's everlasting.
I really thank those who are here to comfort me.
I really appreciate it. Thanks for caring for me (:
But I need some time to cool down and get myself back on track.
I promise..

Take a breath, I pull myself together.

♥ Meatball ! :D @ 4:41 PM

Friday, March 6, 2009
the happening stories

I havent been active in blogging =x
ohwell. Im lazy to reply tags too.

EEYER I'm sick again. I'm having cough and very minor flu.
Every morning nose kena blocked -.-

We spread each other germs and bacteria.
She spread to me first then I spreaded back to her. HAHA.

Then today Mrs Loy called me Christina by mistake -.- Diaoo.
Tuesday was a cold day. Class on power 1 for fan.
Then Mrs Loy came in, 'WAH so hot!' and turned all the fans to 5.
LOL. You should have seen the class' faces

Then WED! Sports heats. Michelle ran for 200m and got first. Dong Dong got second for the other 200m heats. Then 1500 Charlene got 4th. Poor girl she's physically sick, just like me. Then I dunno what Hui Ling got. Then ran 4 by 400m. 3e7 got 1st for heats. Ohwell hopefully actual day can get something.

I blog very mundane today.

Hmm sometimes I have problems. It's not I don't wanna say, it's your reaction to it. I'm an ultra sensitive girl.

Then I dunno what happened to someone. Don't reply my smses, also never come online. Like how I communicate with him? D:
URGH Im sad ):
I was like anticipating for something 'cause I took the much later bus today. Hoping for a reply.

Maybe hopes are to be dashed.

Okay I'm getting emo now. Shall not blog further to make me more sad.

And sometimes life just sucks. Even if you die you also won't mind. I'm living day by day now. Nothing to anticipate..

♥ Meatball ! :D @ 8:55 PM

Monday, March 2, 2009
the happening stories

Sometimes I don't want to sleep at all.
But sometimes I want to sleep and never wake up.

♥ Meatball ! :D @ 10:50 PM

Saturday, February 28, 2009
the happening stories

Okay before I really forget and drag.

VS SLI. 13 Feb. Two weeks ago. LOL.

Haha. After school, Madelaine, Mars, ML and I went to parkway to eat. Since I got sore throat, I can't eat fast food T.T Hahaha. On the way there I met Andres (: He looked stressed lor ><

Then need to buy what I need: Strepsils and Panadol. I WAS SICK! DD:

But ohwell, we shopped for Hafidz's present after that. Mars and I went mulling for days on what to get for him. HAHA. Like cake? Or book? etc.

Then we settled for,
Cookies! Parkway don't have nice cakes or they're not halal. And the cookies not cheap! HAHA. Thank goodness Hafidz's likes them (: I forgot now many grams but yeah. Expensive seh. Think it's 'cause of the packaging. Hahaha. I persuaded Mars to stay with me. So ML went home for her tuition. Hahahaha.

We walked to the MP Library and there were no tables with chairs for the both of us. We found this spot with a low cushion 'chair' and yeah, decided to do our stuff like writing our wishes on cards. I carried like three stuff. Bag, shoe bag and formal clothes.

Words from the bottom of my heart. Aww.

Mars doing Hafidz's card and I'm doing his invest card.

Shoe bags were meant for shoes right?

But not in the case for me. Hahaha. 'Cause the following week CA week, so my bag was like so heavy with I forgot what but I remember there was my emaths, chem and physics textbook. I placed I think physics textbook in my shoe bag, along with many many packets of tissue paper and my court shoes (placed in plastic bag). Gosh you should have seen how many packets of tissue I brought. Like 15 and the class laughed at me -.-

What I need ><. Vday gifts too (:

Then my bag and the rest I carry super heavy and they take up a lot of space. Mars had to help me pack. Reduce the space by a lot (: THANK YOU MARS :DD but the weight is still the same. Heavy D:

Hmm, she did Hafidz's birthday card while I did his invest wishes. Along with Andres', Bihyau's, Dzafir's and Lump's. Aiyo I didnt know I write so slowly. Haha. Time flies. Donna and Mimi told me they were ready at like 4pm?! Thats heck early. I havent even finished writing so I told them to play hide and seek with me. Then by the time I changed it's already 4.20pm -.- and they already found me. And i didn't went to cut my hair 'cause Mars didnt wanna.

So pack and went to VS with my heavy load ): LOL like who goes to investiture with so many things luh. Then I had to write on the guestbook. I drew flowers too (: I promised Andres to. Actually that point of time I was joking. HAHA. But I bet in so many years no one drew flowers. Aww. Then the people who were sitting at the reception were like, 'ERRRR. OKAY.' So I drew la. HAHA. To make the people go 'diaoo' -.- then when they see it they'll be happy right. HAHA.

Eh shit Im like announcing it's me who drew it. HAHA.

Then the usherer ushered us to the canteen and I had to go and change to my shoes and blazer. He's a scholar but he doesn't look like one and he doesn't have the accent. Then I assume he's malay therefore I talked very singlishy with him and he also can talk with me.

Cool huh. Then saw the MC room. Quite clean what. LOL. Cleaner than our den. Ohwell. Maybe 'cause the room is slightly bigger and consist of a sofa, a noticeboard, cupboard, table and white board while our den has many many stuff. Yeah rats can't get through the door for the MC room. HAHAHA. Inside joke.

Then VS also has PB and PSB room which both is bigger than our den. But it's okay. TKGS den has many stuff which you need :) The three rooms are just next door to each other. Dunno whether got people bang against the wall or something. Hahaha. And the rooms are in the canteen. Also dunno whether it's a good thing. I not sure why I think their are cons to it but just can't seem to think of any ><
Aiya, I wanted to see some RETARD but didn't get to. HAHA. I heard lots xD

So the current SLs were busy rehearsing for the invest. The graduates did the school tour. Haha. WE GOT TO TAKE THE LIFT! XD Started from the 7th floor downwards. I like the Nil Sine Labore thingy. LOL. Then when the sun shines the shadow can cast on the ground. Then stand in the middle and get enlightened. LOL. I also like the seven sins thing (: Then the graduates told us that there are guys who dropped their phones into the pond. So careless.

We ended our tour at the auditorium where the event will be taking place. Now I understand why Andres wants it to be in the audi. Yeah. The atmosphere is good and appropriate. Haha. Okay then the principal talked and the GOH also talked then the whole event starts.

The flag bearers are, okay quoted from my report to submit to the PB,

"The leaders from the sports, performing arts, clubs and societies, uniformed groups and service boards stepped up, representing their CCA or boards by carrying their respective flags and going on stage. I was really, really blown away by the flag bearers. The swaying of the flags, the domino effect and the song really suits the item. The flag bearers were well co-ordinated. I could tell that the people in charge of this item worked really hard to get this item in near perfection even though the audience was not as big compared to TKGPB investiture. Most of the school did not come down to watch, which I find it such a waste. This item was truly one of its own, as I have never seen anything like that before. It was professional.

One word to describe it: AWESTRUCK. "

Okay or maybe that's two xD

I know it's Dzafir and Hafidz who were in charge of the walk in. HAHA but argh it's like darn good la. Great job :DD But I think these two words aren't able to let people infer how great it is. LOL. Can't put it to words. Maybe vocab level restricts me.

Then it's the video. HAHAHA. Dzafir told me they did it like few hours before the thing. Eh that's like not bad. LOL. Lightbulb. HAHA.

Then it's the investiture. Haha. Aiyer. Out of so many leaders only a handful are the ones I know. I was biased. Haha. I cheered for the ones I know. Bih Yau's the first so I was like clapping and going 'WHOOOOOOO!' then got people in front of me turned and look at me sia. Like I care! You mean I cannot cheer isit? HAHA. Then I did that for Lumps, Dzafir, Hafidz, Andres and Ziyad. Okay I dunno Ziyad personally but then I dunno what made me wanna cheer for him so I did. But softer xD

Next it's the speech. Ahh I didn't really wanna bother to hear. LOL. I was half sleeping. Tired mah. Sick too. Then it's the pledge. Hahaha. I like the NOW and FOREVER part x) Lumps told me they laughed too. Hahaha. Then they performed for us Soaring High. Dzafir played the guitar! Hahaha. And I think I can hear Lump sing o.O Then they also sang the Victorian Anthem and go do some marathon cheering. Okay in the hall wasn't as loud and as 'bold'. Then we gotta go down and eat and Hafidz led us (:

Then in the canteen it's where the SLs really cheered like crazy. See people jumping somemore. I'm like.. Whoa. Power sia. HAHA. They even more hyper than TKGS! Paiseh! HAHA.

I had sore throat so basically I can't eat anything except for the banana cake and drink fruit punch. But never mind la, can feel the 'today-is-investiture-day-we-are-happy!' mood :) Chatted with some SLs and had 'night walk' which isn't even scary at all. HAHA. Then we got kinda tired already. Neeeda go home. Lumps walked me to the bus stop. Gentleman right? HAHA. It's not what you think =.=

Okay, gonna blog another post soon. Update about my boring life! D:
Okay in short, I didn't regret not going (: hahaha. It's worthwhile to spend my friday night there. Haha.


♥ Meatball ! :D @ 10:09 PM